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We are engaged in a sustainable approach by deep conviction and for intrinsic values that she encourages : the preservation and the respect the environment and local communities. Tourism should not be a poison for the local populations but on the contrary a blessing.

The setbacks of mass tourism are disastrous : consequences on biodiversity : flora and fauna, capitalism, pollution by transport, excessive production of waste, waste of energy, non-respect for cultures, inequalities …

This is why tourism responsible, measured, developed with a social, economic and environment makes it possible to bring shared benefits, where populations are the main actors and do not suffer the consequences of commercial and arbitrary tourism.

Respect, exchange and meeting are essential values of sustainable tourism. It is therefore to ensure a balanced and viable economic activity in the long term to contribute to economic development and the improvement of working conditions life of host communities, while respecting their cultural authenticity, their traditional values, and preserving the natural resources that could be impacted by tourism activity.